Hair Loss: Causes and Treatment

What is Hair Loss?

Hair loss, or alopecia, is a condition that leads to the thinning or disappearance of hair from the scalp and other parts of the body where hair normally grows. It's a concern that affects millions worldwide, transcending age, gender, and ethnicity. It can range from mild thinning to complete baldness, and it can be temporary or permanent, depending on the cause.

The scalp, on average, has about 100,000 hairs that cycle through periods of growth, rest, and shedding. Hair loss occurs when this cycle is disrupted or when the hair follicle is destroyed and replaced with scar tissue. The reasons for hair loss are many and varied, including genetic factors, hormonal changes, medical conditions, and lifestyle influences.

Male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness are hereditary conditions caused by hormonal changes and can cause severe hair loss. Medical conditions such as alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that attacks hair follicles, and scalp infections can also lead to hair loss.

Hair loss has a profound psychological impact because people often view it as a symbol of youth and vitality.Thus, the condition can lead to decreased self-esteem and increased anxiety. Fortunately, there are treatments available that can help manage hair loss, including TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), hair regrowth massages and low level laser therapy.

Those experiencing hair loss are encouraged to consult with a hair regrowth specialist to diagnose the underlying cause and determine the best course of action.

What are the Causes of Hair Loss?

Hair loss can result from a variety of factors that influence the health and growth of hair follicles.
The following are some of the main factors that can contribute to hair loss:

Stress & Lifestyle

Stress and lifestyle factors also play a role in hair health. Emotional or physical stress can disrupt the hair growth cycle and lead to increased shedding. Poor nutrition and inadequate hair care practices, such as excessive heat styling or harsh treatments, can weaken hair follicles over time.

Understanding these causes can help individuals make informed decisions about managing and treating their hair loss effectively.


Genetics plays a pivotal role, as family history can determine the likelihood of conditions like male or female pattern baldness. Understanding your genetic predisposition to hair loss can help you tailor treatments and preventative measures accordingly.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes also significantly impact hair health. Imbalances during life stages such as pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, or thyroid disorders can lead to temporary or permanent hair loss. Monitoring and managing these hormonal shifts can be essential to preventing excessive hair shedding.

Medical Conditions

Various medical conditions can directly affect hair follicles and contribute to hair loss. Conditions like alopecia areata, scalp infections, autoimmune disorders, and nutritional deficiencies can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle. 


Certain medications are known to cause hair loss as a side effect. Chemotherapy drugs, blood thinners, and hormonal treatments can lead to significant hair shedding.

Why Consult an Expert to Control Hair Loss?

Seeking the expertise of a hair loss specialist is essential for effectively managing and controlling hair loss.
Here are several reasons why consulting an expert is highly beneficial:

Accurate Diagnosis

When it comes to hair loss, accurately diagnosing the underlying cause is crucial. Hair loss experts have the knowledge, experience, and tools to conduct thorough assessments and determine the specific type and extent of hair loss you are experiencing. This accurate diagnosis is the foundation for developing an effective treatment plan.

Personalised Treatment Plans

Every individual's experience with hair loss is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Hair loss experts understand this variability and create personalised treatment plans tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. Various personal factors are taken into account when designing these plans.

Access to Advanced Interventions

Hair loss experts have access to advanced treatments and procedures that are not available over the counter or through generic solutions. These interventions are often more potent, targeted, and scientifically proven to address various types of hair loss effectively. From uniquely formulated hair lotions to advanced hair restoration techniques, experts can recommend and administer the most suitable interventions for your condition.

Monitoring Progress and Providing Support

Consulting an expert allows for regular monitoring of your progress throughout the treatment process. Professionals can assess how your hair and scalp respond to treatments, make necessary adjustments, and provide ongoing support and guidance. This proactive approach ensures that your treatment remains optimised for the best possible outcomes.

How TCM Can Help Treat Hair Loss?

TCM offers holistic and time-tested approaches to treating hair loss by addressing both the
symptoms and underlying causes of the condition.Here's how TCM methods can
effectively contribute to treating hair loss:

Dietary Adjustments

Diet plays a significant role in TCM, and certain foods are believed to either promote or hinder hair health. TCM practitioners may recommend dietary adjustments based on individual needs to support overall health, strengthen Qi and blood, and benefit hair growth.

Scalp Massages

Meridian scalp massages, an integral part of holistic wellness, focus on manipulating various pressure points on the scalp. This technique aims to enhance the flow of vital energy, known as Qi, thereby fostering equilibrium within the body. Specifically, TCM hair massages concentrate on the scalp's meridians to boost blood flow, fortify hair roots, and encourage hair regeneration.

Holistic Approach

TCM views the body as a whole, interconnected system where imbalances in one area can manifest as symptoms elsewhere, including hair loss. TCM practitioners take into account not just the hair loss symptoms but also the individual's overall health, lifestyle, and emotional well-being.

Herbal Remedies

TCM utilises a wide range of herbal remedies that are tailored to address specific patterns of disharmony. These herbal formulas often contain ingredients known for their properties in improving blood circulation, balancing hormones, and nourishing the scalp and hair follicles.

Stress Reduction

TCM emphasises the impact of emotional well-being on physical health, including hair health. TCM treatments integrate techniques like meditation, Qi Gong, and stress management strategies to reduce stress levels.

Natural Approach

TCM provides a comprehensive and natural approach to treating hair loss. Combining TCM methods with conventional treatments can often lead to enhanced outcomes and overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hair Loss Issues

Early signs of hair loss can manifest as increased hair shedding, noticeable thinning on the scalp, or a receding hairline. Paying attention to these signs can prompt timely intervention and treatment of hair loss concerns.

The reversibility of hair loss depends on various factors, such as the underlying cause, treatment approach, and individual response. While some types of hair loss can be reversed or managed effectively with appropriate treatments, others may require ongoing care and maintenance.

While over-the-counter hair loss products can provide some benefits, personalised treatments prescribed by hair loss experts often yield better and more targeted results. Expert guidance ensures that treatments address specific concerns and factors contributing to hair loss effectively.

Results from hair loss treatments can vary widely based on individual factors, treatment type, and adherence to the regimen. However, noticeable improvements, such as reduced hair shedding or improved hair growth, may be seen within a few months of consistent and appropriate treatment.

No, hair loss can affect anyone, regardless of gender. While male pattern baldness is more commonly discussed, women can also experience hair loss, particularly after menopause.

  • What are the early signs of hair loss?

    Early signs of hair loss can manifest as increased hair shedding, noticeable thinning on the scalp, or a receding hairline. Paying attention to these signs can prompt timely intervention and treatment of hair loss concerns.

  • Can hair loss be reversed?

    The reversibility of hair loss depends on various factors, such as the underlying cause, treatment approach, and individual response. While some types of hair loss can be reversed or managed effectively with appropriate treatments, others may require ongoing care and maintenance.

  • Are over-the-counter hair loss products effective?

    While over-the-counter hair loss products can provide some benefits, personalised treatments prescribed by hair loss experts often yield better and more targeted results. Expert guidance ensures that treatments address specific concerns and factors contributing to hair loss effectively.

  • How long does it take to see results from hair loss treatments?

    Results from hair loss treatments can vary widely based on individual factors, treatment type, and adherence to the regimen. However, noticeable improvements, such as reduced hair shedding or improved hair growth, may be seen within a few months of consistent and appropriate treatment.

  • Does hair loss only affect men?

    No, hair loss can affect anyone, regardless of gender. While male pattern baldness is more commonly discussed, women can also experience hair loss, particularly after menopause.

Reviews of Our Hair Loss Treatment

Sarah Low
Hair Issue: Dandruff
I used to be quite stressed at work, which had a negative impact on my hair health—until I discovered Beijing 101 Hair Consultants. After trying their hair treatments for myself, I was amazed at how much my dandruff had improved. If you have similar hair difficulties, I recommend giving Beijing 101 a try; you won't be disappointed!
Kian Ong
Hair Issue• Hair Loss
Thanks to Beijing 101's Herbal Hair Treatments and advice from their in-house TCM physician, my hair has become significantly thicker and fuller, giving me a huge boost in confidence! The staff are very professional and friendly, and I would highly recommend their services to anyone looking to enhance their hair volume and quality.
Hair Issue• Hair Loss
I have been losing my hair for a while, and I was wondering if it had something to do with the fact that I've been wearing a cap for some time, which doesn't allow the hair to breathe. So, I went to Beijing 101 to get some professional advice and analysis. The hair consultants at Beijing 101 were friendly and gave me some useful tips for taking care of my hair.
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