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Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Theory for hair

TCM Theory

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Theory, hair and scalp issues are intricately linked to the balance of 'Qi,' the vital life force, and inadequate blood circulation. Key organs such as the kidneys, liver, heart, lungs, spleen and stomach play a crucial role in fostering optimal hair and scalp health.

At Beijing 101, our knowledgeable experts meticulously select premium Chinese herbs, including Ginseng, Dang Gui and He Shou Wu, to nourish key organs and effectively regulate 'Qi' and blood flow. Our Signature Meridian Scalp Massage, grounded in TCM Theory and complemented by insights from Western anatomy and pathology, is designed to release 'Qi' blockages and enhance blood circulation.

We tailor individualised solutions, employing a holistic approach by our team of experienced TCM physicians to enrich hair and scalp health. Trust Beijing 101 to unveil the beauty of your hair through the harmonious blend of ancient wisdom and modern expertise!

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Theory for hair
Combining TCM with Modern Hair and Scalp Therapy

Combining TCM with Modern Hair and Scalp Therapy

At Beijing 101, we seamlessly integrate the latest hair and scalp therapy into our treatments.

Through the utilisation of modern technology, we extract the essence of our premium TCM herbs, ensuring they are optimised for promoting healthy hair growth. Our unwavering commitment rests in the harmonious fusion of TCM and modern techniques, delivering unparalleled care for your hair and scalp.


Customised Solutions
For 8 Major Hair & Scalp Problems

Hair loss stems from various causes, and each individual necessitates customised care and solutions. With 5 decades of expertise, we have numerous success stories using our tailor-made treatments for various hair and scalp problems.
Hair Loss
Hair Loss
Hair Thinning
Hair Thinning
Male Pattern Balding
Male Pattern Balding
Oily Scalp
Female Pattern Balding
Oily Scalp
Grey Hair
Grey Hair
Dry Scalp
Dry Scalp

Hair Loss

Hair loss in a hot and humid country like Singapore can be influenced by several factors unique to the environment and lifestyle. Strong UV rays exposure can damage the scalp and hair follicles, weakening them and leading to hair loss. High humidity can contribute to scalp oiliness, clogging hair follicles and hindering hair growth. Excessive rainfall and humidity may also create a breeding ground for fungal infections, which can cause hair loss.

Moreover, the high-stress levels prevalent in urban environments like Singapore can disrupt the hair growth cycle, leading to increased shedding and hair loss. Poor sleep habits, often due to late-night activities, can disrupt circadian rhythms and hormonal balance, further exacerbating hair loss.

Frequent hair coloring and styling practices are common in Singapore, but chemical treatments and heat styling tools can damage the hair shaft and weaken hair follicles, leading to breakage and hair loss over time.

Symptoms of early-stage hair loss may include increased shedding, noticeable thinning of the hair, widening of the part line, or receding hairline. People may also observe more hair in the shower drain or on their pillows.

It's crucial for individuals experiencing these symptoms to visit a dermatologist early. Early intervention is key in managing reversing hair loss. An experienced Hair Consultant or TCM physician can assess the underlying causes of hair loss and recommend appropriate treatments.

Once hair follicles are dead, they can no longer produce hair, highlighting the importance of early detection and treatment. Delaying treatment may lead to irreversible damage to the hair follicles and permanent hair loss.


Hair Thinning

Hair Thinning can be attributed to several main causes:

Environmental Factors: The tropical climate of Singapore, characterized by high humidity and intense sunlight, can damage hair follicles and lead to hair thinning. Constant exposure to UV rays can weaken the hair shaft and cause breakage, resulting in thinning hair over time.

Excessive Sweating: The hot and humid weather in Singapore often leads to excessive sweating, especially on the scalp. Sweat contains salt and other minerals that can build up on the scalp, clogging hair follicles and hindering healthy hair growth. This can contribute to hair thinning and eventual hair loss.

Humidity-Induced Frizz: High humidity levels can cause hair to become frizzy and unmanageable. Constant friction and tugging on the hair strands can weaken them, leading to breakage and thinning over time, particularly in individuals who frequently tie their hair or use heat styling tools to combat frizz.

Poor Scalp Health: The humid climate in Singapore can exacerbate scalp conditions such as dandruff and fungal infections. These conditions can disrupt the hair growth cycle, leading to hair thinning and shedding. Additionally, inadequate scalp hygiene due to sweat and oil buildup can further contribute to hair thinning issues.

Stress and Lifestyle Factors: Stress is a common trigger for hair thinning, and the fast-paced lifestyle in Singapore can lead to high stress levels among individuals in the target age group. Stress-induced hair loss, known as telogen effluvium, can result in significant hair thinning over the scalp.

Genetics and Hormonal Factors: While environmental factors play a significant role, genetic predisposition and hormonal imbalances can also contribute to hair thinning in both men and women. Conditions such as androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness) may become more pronounced due to the environmental stressors present in a hot and humid climate.

Overall, the combination of environmental factors, poor scalp health, stress, and genetic predisposition contribute to hair thinning.


Male Pattern Balding

Hair loss in men can manifest in various forms, with some of the most common types including:

Male Pattern Baldness (also known as Androgenetic Alopecia), is characterized by a progressive and predictable pattern of hair loss in men. It typically begins with a receding hairline and thinning at the crown, eventually leading to partial or complete baldness. The condition is primarily attributed to genetic factors and hormonal influences, particularly the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT binds to receptors in the scalp, causing hair follicles to shrink over time. This miniaturization process leads to shorter and finer hair until the follicles cease producing hair altogether. Male Pattern Baldness follows a distinct pattern, with the hair loss typically occurring in a specific pattern resembling the shape of an “O", “M", “O” and “M” concurrently, or "U" on the scalp.

Stress related hair loss : Stress can trigger hair loss in men by disrupting the hair growth cycle, leading to increased shedding. High stress levels elevate cortisol levels, which can disrupt hormonal balance and impede the production of new hair cells. This can result in temporary hair loss conditions such as Telogen Effluvium or exacerbate existing hair loss patterns like Androgenetic Alopecia.

Patchy hair loss (known as Alopecia Areata) occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, leading to sudden hair loss in distinct, round patches on the scalp or body. It is believed to be an autoimmune condition triggered by genetic and environmental factors

Causes of hair loss in men vary across different age groups:

Below 30: In younger men, male pattern baldness can still occur, often due to genetic predisposition. Other factors such as stress, poor diet, and lifestyle habits may contribute to early-onset hair loss.

30 to 50 years old: Male pattern baldness tends to be more prevalent in this age group, as genetic factors and DHT sensitivity become more pronounced. Stress, hormonal fluctuations, and environmental factors may also play a role.

Above 50: As men age, hormonal changes, particularly a decrease in testosterone levels, can contribute to hair loss. Additionally, the cumulative effects of genetic predisposition and DHT sensitivity may result in more significant hair thinning or balding.

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective, hair loss in men is often linked to Kidney deficiency, particularly the Kidney Jing (essence). The Kidneys are considered the foundation of vitality and play a crucial role in nourishing the hair and promoting its growth. Deficiency in Kidney Jing can lead to weakened hair follicles and premature hair loss. TCM treatments for hair loss in men often focus on tonifying the Kidneys and nourishing Blood and Qi (vital energy) to promote hair growth and prevent further loss. Herbs such as He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) are commonly used to support Kidney health and address hair loss from a TCM perspective.


Female Pattern Balding

Hair loss in women can result from various factors, ranging from hormonal changes to external influences like chemical treatments or styling practices. Here are some common types:

Postnatal Hair Loss (Postpartum Alopecia): After childbirth, many women experience temporary hair loss due to hormonal fluctuations. During pregnancy, elevated hormone levels prolong the growth phase of hair, resulting in thicker locks. However, after childbirth, hormone levels drop, leading to increased shedding. This typically occurs 2-4 months post-delivery and resolves within a year.

Postmenopausal Hair Loss: Estrogen levels decline during menopause, affecting hair growth cycles. Hair becomes finer, and the growth phase shortens, leading to increased shedding. This type of hair loss tends to be gradual and progressive.

Hair Loss Due to Excessive Chemical Treatments: Regular use of chemical treatments like hair dyes, perms, or straightening agents can damage the hair shaft, leading to breakage and hair loss. Chemical treatments weaken the hair, making it more prone to damage and thinning over time.

Incorrect or Excessive Use of Styling Products: Overuse of styling products such as hair sprays, gels, or mousses can weigh down the hair, causing breakage and hair loss. Additionally, certain ingredients in styling products may irritate the scalp, leading to inflammation and subsequent hair loss.

Telogen Effluvium:This type of hair loss occurs due to a disruption in the hair growth cycle, leading to excessive shedding. It can be triggered by various factors such as stress, illness, surgery, or significant weight loss. Telogen effluvium often manifests as diffuse hair thinning rather than bald patches.



Dandruff, a common scalp condition, can arise from various factors including fungal overgrowth, dry skin, seborrheic dermatitis, or sensitivity to hair care products. It presents as white or yellowish flakes on the scalp and hair, often accompanied by itching and irritation.

The presence of dandruff negatively impacts the scalp by causing inflammation and itching, leading to discomfort and potential skin damage. Continuous scratching can further aggravate the scalp, causing redness and even open sores, making the scalp vulnerable to infections.

Beyond physical discomfort, dandruff can significantly affect a person's confidence and self-esteem. Visible flakes on clothing can be embarrassing and may cause social anxiety, impacting personal and professional interactions. The constant worry about flaking and itching can diminish one's confidence, affecting overall wellbeing.

The appearance of dandruff can also detract from a person's overall look. Flakes may be visible on hair and clothing, giving the impression of poor hygiene or neglect. This can lead to self-consciousness and dissatisfaction with one's appearance.

If left untreated, dandruff can worsen and lead to more severe scalp conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis or fungal infections. Chronic inflammation and irritation may also compromise the scalp's ability to support healthy hair growth.

Dandruff can directly impact new hair growth by disrupting the scalp's environment. Excessive flaking and inflammation can clog hair follicles, hindering the growth of new hair. Additionally, persistent itching and scratching can damage hair follicles, leading to weakened hair and increased hair loss over time.

Ultimately, if dandruff goes unheeded, it can contribute to hair loss. Continuous inflammation, irritation, and follicle blockage can disrupt the hair growth cycle, leading to thinning hair and eventual hair loss. It's essential to address dandruff promptly through proper scalp care, herbal shampoos, and lifestyle adjustments to maintain scalp health and prevent further hair loss.


Oily Scalp

An oily scalp occurs when the sebaceous glands produce an excess of sebum, the skin's natural oil. Several factors can contribute to this imbalance, including genetics, hormonal fluctuations, diet, stress, and environmental factors like humidity.

An oily scalp can negatively affect the scalp in several ways. Excess sebum can clog hair follicles, leading to inflammation, itching, and discomfort. It can also create an environment conducive to the growth of bacteria and fungi, increasing the risk of scalp infections such as folliculitis or seborrheic dermatitis.

The presence of an oily scalp can impact a person's confidence and self-esteem. Visible oiliness can give the impression of poor hygiene or neglect, leading to embarrassment and self-consciousness. Additionally, oily hair may appear limp, greasy, and unattractive, affecting the overall look and style of the person.

The constant irritation and discomfort associated with an oily scalp can be bothersome. Itching, flaking, and a feeling of heaviness on the scalp can cause frustration and distract from daily activities

If left untreated, an oily scalp can worsen and lead to more severe scalp conditions. Excessive sebum production can exacerbate inflammation, leading to conditions like seborrheic dermatitis or scalp acne. Chronic inflammation and follicle blockage can also disrupt the hair growth cycle, leading to thinning hair and eventual hair loss.

Oily scalp directly affects new hair growth by suffocating hair follicles and impeding the flow of nutrients to the scalp. The excess oil can trap dirt, debris, and dead skin cells, creating a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi that can damage hair follicles. Over time, this can lead to weakened hair shafts, increased hair shedding, and eventual hair loss.

To address an oily scalp, it's essential to establish a proper hair care routine, including regular shampooing, avoiding heavy styling products, and maintaining a balanced diet and lifestyle. Consulting with a experienced Hair Consultant can help identify the underlying causes of an oily scalp and develop an effective treatment plan to restore scalp health and prevent further hair loss.


Grey Hair

Grey hair in teenagers, young adults, and middle-aged individuals can result from a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Genetics play a significant role, as premature greying often runs in families. Stress, poor diet, hormonal imbalances, smoking, and vitamin deficiencies can also contribute to premature greying. Additionally, certain medical conditions such as thyroid disorders or autoimmune diseases may accelerate the greying process.

Modern lifestyles characterized by high stress levels, pollution, unhealthy diets, and exposure to chemicals in hair care products may contribute to the increasing prevalence of premature greying. Environmental factors like pollution and UV radiation can also damage hair follicles and accelerate greying.

Premature greying can negatively impact confidence regardless of age or gender. Teenagers and young adults may feel self-conscious about standing out from their peers, while middle-aged individuals may associate grey hair with aging, affecting their self-esteem and perceived attractiveness.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), premature greying is often attributed to Kidney and Liver imbalances, which affect the production and circulation of Blood and Qi (vital energy) to the hair follicles. TCM herbs such as He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) are commonly used to treat grey hair. He Shou Wu nourishes the Kidney and Liver, tonifies Blood, and promotes hair growth. It contains compounds that stimulate melanin production, restoring hair color.

He Shou Wu works by replenishing Jing, the essence of life associated with Kidney energy in TCM. By tonifying Kidney and Liver energies, He Shou Wu addresses the root cause of premature greying, promoting healthy hair growth and restoring natural hair color.

Other TCM herbs used for grey hair treatment include Dang Gui (Angelica sinensis), Nu Zhen Zi (Ligustrum lucidum), and Shan Zhu Yu (Cornus officinalis). These herbs nourish Blood, tonify Yin and Yang energies, and promote circulation to the scalp, supporting overall hair health and color restoration.

By addressing imbalances in the body's energy systems and nourishing the scalp and hair follicles, TCM herbs offer a holistic approach to treating premature greying and promoting healthy, vibrant hair at any age.


Dry Scalp

Dry scalp can arise from various factors, including environmental conditions, improper hair care routines, hormonal changes, and certain medical conditions. Symptoms of dry scalp include itching, flakiness, tightness, and sometimes redness or inflammation.

Negatively affecting the scalp and hair follicles, dry scalp leads to irritation and discomfort. It disrupts the scalp's natural moisture balance, causing it to become dry and flaky. This can lead to inflammation and sensitivity, making the scalp more prone to irritation and itching. Dry scalp also compromises the health of hair follicles, potentially leading to weakened hair strands and increased hair shedding.

The quality of the hair is significantly affected by dry scalp. Hair may become brittle, dull, and prone to breakage. Dryness can also affect the elasticity and texture of the hair, making it difficult to style and manage.

If left unheeded, dry scalp can worsen and lead to more severe scalp conditions such as scalp eczema or psoriasis. Chronic dryness and inflammation can disrupt the hair growth cycle, leading to thinning hair and eventual hair loss.

Dry scalp directly affects new hair growth by creating an unhealthy environment for hair follicles. Dryness and inflammation can impede blood circulation to the scalp, limiting the delivery of nutrients essential for hair growth. Additionally, dry scalp may cause hair follicles to become dormant or damaged, resulting in stunted hair growth and increased hair shedding.

To address dry scalp, it's essential to establish a proper hair care routine, including regular shampooing with a moisturizing or hydrating shampoo, avoiding harsh hair products and heat styling tools, and maintaining a balanced diet and lifestyle. Consulting with a experienced Hair Consultant can help identify the underlying causes of dry scalp and develop an effective treatment plan to restore scalp health and prevent further hair loss.


Jin Yee
Jin Yee
I went to the bedok mall branch. They provide great service and are very professional. The head massage is very comfortable. recommend.
Deepa Shinde
Deepa Shinde
1. Very helpful and supportive staff
2. ⁠Amazing consultant Adrian who understand the root cause of issue and suggest perfect treatment accordingly
3. ⁠Very innovative and modern equipments
4. Clean and nice environment
Randall Lim
Randall Lim
Adrian is a great consultant, he is clear and detailed in his explanation. Highly recommended!
Sunny is a professional and friendly consultant. The overall treatment for my hair is very relaxing and satisfying. Woukd definitely come back again and recommend to anyone who have suffer from hair loss.
Natara Aaliyah
Natara Aaliyah
I was helped by Audrey, Alyssa & Karen. They were very friendly and helpful. I would definitely recommend Beijing 101 at Crntury Square! You get a relaxing atmosphere to do your hair, topped with an amazing massage.
Angel Huang
I had severe issues with dandruff coming in and my technician Tina did an excellent job to cure it with dramatic results from the first appointment alone! Her service was very thorough and attentive. She is very knowledgable and explained in detail the issues facing my scalp. The treatments I had for each appointment consisted of a scalp scan, mask, tonic, laser hat. The shampoo I got was all herbal and gentle on the hair. Overall, I highly recommend!
Elvina Ng
Elvina Ng
I bought a hair treatment during a roadshow to understand more about Beijing101’s services. I went to the Nex outlet for a consultation with Pamela who was very helpful and thorough with the explanations of treatments available. I could see and feel my scalp improved after the treatment. Even bought their shampoo and conditioner to replace my current ones. Highly recommend!
Went to Beijing 101 to do a trial treatment. Was served by Kent and he is really patient in the explanation and no hard selling involve. He will just encourage the best for you. Great service from him and recommend to look for him if you are here for treatment!
Hung Lee
Hung Lee
Jasmine was very patient and gentle in explaining the steps and treatment to me. I was feeling cold and she provided me with a comfy blanket. Her massage is also really good as well. I feel much more relaxed after the treatment. Service here is superb. They provided hot tea, biscuits and wet wipes for cleaning up. Thank you it was a nice experience.
Belinda Tan
The consultant Adrian was very professional. He was able to explain very succinctly and clearly the issues that I was facing with my hair and scalp condition. He displayed a lot of knowledge about how the process and treatment would work. I had a good experience with the first trial treatment and there was also no hard selling. I like that the company uses natural ingredients in their products.

Hair Loss Treatment in Singapore – Read more

  • What is Hair Loss Treatment?

    Hair loss treatment includes solutions designed to address hair thinning, baldness, and other scalp issues. These methods promote hair development, improve hair and scalp health, and restore confidence in those suffering from hair loss.

    Factors such as heredity, hormonal changes, medical disorders, stress, and the environment can cause hair loss, which may present as thinning hair, a receding hairline, or bald patches. Hair loss therapies aim to stimulate hair growth, reinforce existing hair follicles, enhance scalp health, and address underlying reasons for hair loss.

    Various types of hair loss treatments are available in the market, ranging from topical solutions and medications to non-invasive procedures and surgical options. Topical treatments like shampoos, serums, and lotions promote hair regrowth and prevent further hair loss.

    Non-invasive treatments include low-level laser therapy, scalp massages, and microneedling, which increase blood circulation, enhance nutrient delivery to hair follicles, and promote hair growth.

    Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments involve practitioners assessing the body's Qi (energy flow) to identify imbalances that cause hair loss. Herbal remedies, acupuncture, scalp massages, and dietary changes are all important components of TCM hair loss therapies.

    Individuals experiencing hair loss should visit a hair loss professional for a full diagnosis and personalised treatment recommendations. A comprehensive approach that incorporates lifestyle modifications, proper hair care practices, and specialised therapies can help people manage hair loss and keep their hair and scalp healthy.

  • Why Choose Beijing 101 as Your Hair Loss Solution Provider in Singapore?

    Discover why choosing Beijing 101 as your ideal hair loss partner is the right decision. Benefit from our in-house expertise and commitment to excellence, ensuring an effective and personalised hair loss treatment in Singapore.

    In-House TCM Physicians

    Beijing 101's distinct advantage of having in-house TCM physicians makes us stand out as a top option for male and female hair loss treatment in Singapore. We have a team of committed TCM specialists who specialise in hair and scalp health providing customised consultations and treatments tailored to your unique hair loss conditions.

    The core tenets of TCM are based on centuries-old holistic healing techniques that emphasise reestablishing harmony and balance in the body. To promote long-term hair and scalp health, this holistic approach not only addresses the symptoms of hair loss but also the underlying causes; by combining the knowledge of TCM with contemporary hair and scalp care techniques.

    Best Service

    At Beijing 101, we take pride in offering you the best results and service in the hair loss treatment industry. Our success stories speak volumes about our effective solutions and the level of care we provide. We understand that hair loss can impact your confidence and well-being, which is why we prioritise giving you personalised attention and care.

    From your initial consultation to the treatment sessions, our team ensures that you receive the best possible care. We take the time to study your individual hair and scalp condition, lifestyle factors, and concerns to come up with a treatment plan that is personalised to your needs.

    Trust Beijing 101 to be your partner in regaining healthy hair and scalp, and renewed confidence. Experience the difference of personalised care, proven results, and exceptional service with Beijing 101.

  • How Are Our Hair Loss Treatments Better?

    Beijing 101's hair loss treatments offer several advantages.

    Comprehensive Diagnosis and Treatment Plans

    At Beijing 101, our approach to hair loss treatment begins with a thorough diagnosis. We believe in identifying the underlying causes of each individual's hair loss. Our consultants perform evaluations, taking into account your unique hair and scalp condition. This enables us to develop personalised treatment regimens that target the underlying causes of hair loss, resulting in more effective and long-lasting outcomes.

    Our treatment plans are not one-size-fits-all. We understand that each person's hair and scalp are unique and require specialised remedies. Our solutions cater to your specific needs, be it male pattern baldness, female hair thinning, or scalp concerns. This personalised approach ensures that you receive focused interventions that boost hair growth, scalp health, and overall hair quality.

    Natural and High-Quality Ingredients

    Another important factor that distinguishes Beijing 101's hair loss remedies is our commitment to employing natural, high-quality products. We recognise the value of safety, efficacy, and sustainability in hair care products and treatments. Therefore, we incorporate high-quality herbs, botanical extracts, and other natural components proven to enhance hair and scalp health. We use premium-grade Chinese herbs such as Dang Gui, He Shou Wu, Ginseng.

    Our products and treatments are devoid of harsh chemicals and artificial additives, which can harm hair and scalp health over time. Instead, we use the power of nature to nourish, strengthen, and revitalise your hair follicles and scalp. Using delicate yet effective ingredients, we ensure that our treatments not only address hair loss but also promote overall hair vitality and resilience.

    Ongoing Support and Education

    At Beijing 101, we believe that successful hair loss treatment extends beyond the outlet. We offer ongoing support and education to help throughout your hair care journey. Our team of professionals provides advice on optimal hair care techniques, lifestyle changes, and maintenance routines to complement our treatments.

    In addition, we value transparency and open communication. We make sure to walk you through the treatment procedure, expected outcomes, and any potential concerns. This transparent approach develops trust and collaboration, resulting in a more positive and satisfying experience throughout the hair loss treatment process.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are Beijing 101's treatments suitable for all hair types?

    Yes, Beijing 101's treatments are effective for all hair types, including oily, dry, damaged, and treated hair. Our personalised approach guarantees that treatments are tailored to the specific demands of each hair type.

  • Does Beijing 101 offer treatments for female hair loss?

    Yes, Beijing 101 offers specialised treatment for female hair loss. Our treatments target particular causes, such as hormone imbalances and scalp problems that cause hair thinning in women.

  • How long does it take to see results with Beijing 101's hair loss treatments?

    The results of Beijing 101's hair loss treatments vary depending on the individual's condition and commitment to the treatment plan. After just a few months of constant treatment, significant changes are typically visible.

  • Can Beijing 101's treatments help with specific scalp conditions like dandruff or itching?

    Yes, Beijing 101's treatments are designed to address specific scalp conditions like dandruff and itching. Through our specialised therapy, we aim to alleviate scalp issues, restore scalp health, and create an optimal environment for healthy hair growth.

  • Do I need a consultation before starting Beijing 101's hair loss treatments?

    Yes, in our consultation, we'll analyse your hair and scalp condition, understand your issues, and offer the best option for you.

  • How often should I undergo Beijing 101's hair loss treatments?

    The frequency of treatments depends on your individual condition and treatment strategy. During your appointment, our consultants will propose an appropriate treatment programme based on the degree of your hair loss and your desired results.

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